The causes of arthritis such as osteoarthritis fall under the wear and tear category. Osteoarthritis is typically seen in older adults. In these cases, causes of arthritis include prior injury, joint trauma, obesity, repetitive joint motions, or a sedentary lifestyle. Causes of arthritis such as osteoarthritis basically amount to a lifetime of use or misuse of the joints. Osteoarthritis is one of the few forms of arthritis that can be prevented or the likelihood lessened with proper joint health during youth and middle age. Weight loss to reduce strain on joints, a moderately active lifestyle, dietary supplements for joint health, and avoidance of overly repetitive joint use can all contribute to healthier joints.
The causes of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis are unfortunately not preventable. In terms of Rheumatism, the causes of arthritis in this category stem from the body's own immune system attacking otherwise healthy tissue around joints such as hips, knees, and back. It is unknown what triggers this disease. While the causes of arthritis such as Rheumatoid are known, there is no preventative measure to be taken. In some cases, joint replacement is an option when the severity of symptoms becomes unbearable. However, most treatment options primarily deal with symptom management through medications, dietary supplements, and physical therapy or exercise.
While causes of arthritis vary from infection to autoimmune dysfunction to wear and tear, most treatment plans center around management of pain, inflammation, and swelling. When the causes of Arthritis stem from infection, joint pain supplements prevent permanent damage to the joints. However, when the causes of arthritis stem from normal joint wear and tear or destruction of cartilage, minimizing pain and slowing the progression are the primary treatment goals. Comparing all forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis and Rheumatism are the most common types, with causes of arthritis in these forms being the most widely studied and documented.
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